Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Global Warming?!

Oh man, I think I will die when winter comes. Today it was just 14 C when I cycled to work and I was freezing already. Now look at the weather forecast for tomorrow. As little as 7 C at night and I heard that in some parts of Germany they had snow today. In the beginning of September!!! Crazy weather.

what's the problem, son? jesterday I was windsurfing on the steinhuder meer. when I started it was 8 grdC, later little more. sun was shining and it was a great day. but little of global warming could be fine,.. here.
ITS COLD!! haha but christian and I are hoping for SNOW THIS Winter :) :D whee! except that i dont' think i'l lbe very Active during winter :P will be hibernating in ducky's bed 24 hours!
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