Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sun Tech Days Frankfurt

Together with a friend and co-student, I visited the Sun Tech Days in Frankfurt on Wednesdays. We received free tickets for the conference, so I thought I wouldn't harm to go. And after getting exposed to Singapore culture for one year, I find it hard and harder to let something FREE pass by ;)
After arriving at the Conference Center in Frankfurt, we found that the parking in "Mainhatten" is ridiculously expensive: one hour was EUR 2,70, one whole day EUR 27. Apparently the banks in Frankfurt pay a good bonus. At least the ticket was free...
The conference was centered around 4 Tracks: Web 2.0 Development, Java Development, Solaris and Hands-on-labs. We focused on the first two tracks, none of us is particularly interested in OS and we didn't bring a laptop to participate in the lab sessions.
We agreed that the talks were of much better quality and much more interesting than on the SYSTEMS business convention in Munich a while ago. Maybe we found this event more interesting because we are just a bit nerdy, but I think the talk were really much better more than just buzzwords.
Food and drinks were decent, bagels and buns for breakfast and lunch and cake in the afternoon.
Bottom line: definitely more worth it then business conventions and an interesting trip.